Mar 022016

A  Star Trek convention held in Denver in 1976. A lot of this sure looks familiar… the same sense of nerd-comraderie, similar sorts of cosplay, etc. But… DAYum, the reporter is just *painful* to watch (note: this is not TV news, but instead Just Some Guy with a Super 8 camera and a microphone… think *really* early cameraphones & selfies).

And because this blog is all about the anti-PC… the young lady done up as a Vulcan? Doin’ it right.

And because Why The Hell Not, here is a 1977 Shatner-narrated documentary about ancient alien astronauts and suchforth. Seems like every 20 years this humbug comes back… people going buggo for flying saucers in the 50’s, van Dannikens BS (and a *whole* lot of other BS) in the 70’s, Area 51/Roswell in the 90’s, Ancient Aliens and the mere existence of a Donald Trump candidacy in the 2010’s.

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