Jun 282009


The shocking picture of a white boy aged 11 being ‘converted’ to Islam by radical preacher

<>OK, I give. What’s shocking here? Is it supposed to be shocking that white people convert to Islam? Or that children do so? Or is it the combo of white and child that makes this shocking? Cuz I’m looking at the photo, and the photo itself doesn’t seem to show anything shocking… the lil’ dumbass ain’t being smacked around or threatened, so far as I can tell.

 Posted by at 1:35 pm

  One Response to “Oh, the horror!”

  1. Remember the Fox News reporter Steve Centanni? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,210645,00.html

    Once you’re “converted,” if you renege on it you’re considered an apostate and they’re allowed to kill you.

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