Nov 032015

Liveleak has posted a video that is *claimed* to be of  failed suicide bomber in Yemen. The story is said to be that the feller was riding a motorbike and wearing an explosive belt, heading towards some target or other, but it went off early, blowing him in half. So what we’ve got here laying in the street is the guys upper torso, head, left arm and upper right arm; legs, lower torso and right hand are apparently elsewhere. What’s kinda twitch-makin’ is that he seems to be still alive. There is remarkably little blood… you’d expect it to be dumping out of him. But *perhaps* when he separated the great bulk of his blood was promptly jettisoned and is elsewhere. How he can still be even *kinda* alive is beyond me, unless what’s seen here as signs of life – head moving and such – are just nerves twitching, post mortem.

Anyway, embedding the video here in the open seems like maybe not the best for this here Disney-level family-friendly fricken’ blog.  So ifn’ ya want to see what happens when you don’t bring enough bomb, check out the link.

The video leaves on a cliffhanger. Did he survive? Did he learn to walk again? Will his legs vote in the next Democratic primary in Chicago? Will Lance Henrickson portray him in the movie?

 Posted by at 10:09 am