Jun 232009



 Posted by at 11:13 am

  3 Responses to “Just Because”

  1. Is that thing putting on weight? It looks even more torpid than usual.

  2. No, he’s just sorta folded in half.

  3. A cat after my own heart.
    “Things to do today:
    Wake up.
    Relieve myself in the litter box.
    Figure out best way to sun myself while sleeping during the afternoon, with particular care to regarding best leg and belly position in aspect to seasonal sun angle as afternoon moves on.
    Eat more.
    Pose for photos.
    Head back to the litter box, and then to bed.
    Figure out what the sun angle will be for tomorrow, and its effects on photography.
    Clean every inch of my fur with my tongue like the vain little fashion plate I am, then hit the sack.

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