Jul 152015

After all the talk of “Boston Strong,” it seems that if someone dressed in bog-standard punk attire shows up, it’s time to freak out.

US cops say they reacted because Boston bus passengers panicked – leading to court appearance for 26-year-old

Some guy was wearing a belt that looked like a belt of rifle cartridges (appears from the photo to actually be a belt of ammo), some idiots panicked and called the cops, the cops showed up, examined the belt, recognized it for what it was…and arrested him anyway. He was charged with “unlawful possession of ammunition, unlawfully carrying a dangerous weapon and disorderly conduct,” but the charges were later dropped.

Unless the “punk” in question was acting like a jackass (certainly possible, but no indication of that is given in the article), all the blame for this falls on the side of the panicked idjits and the cops who arrested a guy for his fashion choice. Even if the belt of ammo was a belt of live ammo, you know what’s missing from this story? A *gun.* Where’s the M-60 machine gun that would be required to actually make the ammo go “bang?” According to THIS, “the passengers were in a panic, fearing that the suspect was about to pull out a weapon.” Where, exactly, did these brave Bostonian geniuses think he was going to pull out a 30-pound, four-foot-long machine gun *from?*

And how the hell can it be unlawful for a 26-year-old to possess ammunition?

 Posted by at 9:43 am