May 062015

Not really sure that this necessarily will work as a series rather than a miniseries, but maybe…

Syfy & Amblin Will Turn Brave New World Into A TV Series

Given some of the Not Suitable For Children material in Brave new World, it would seem more appropriate for someplace like HBO or Showtime, but I suppose Syfy might be able to pull it off. In a sense I guess it’s a good fit… Syfy claims to want to recapture Actual Science Fiction, which BNW would do… but BNW also permits Syfy to retail a lot of the seemingly shallow titillation that Syfy seems to love to wallow in.

Of course, with Syfy’s recent history, the advanced society shown in BNW will turn out not to be the dominate culture on Earth, with small “reservations” for those who don’t want to play along, but instead it will actually be an underground rat-maze of an experiment being secretly conducted by a dark cabal of shadowy government agents and eeeeeeeevil corporations.

 Posted by at 8:31 am