Nov 052014

So today I had a doctors appointment to yet again try and figure out just what’s wrong with my lungs such that I am susceptible to those damned bronchitis attacks.  The festivities began with a series of chest X-rays, and climaxed with the doctor coming in the examination room and announcing:

“We want to schedule you for a CAT scan. There’s a spot on your lung I want a better look at.”



From that extra-spiffy starting point, he then banked it down by declaring that the spot is a granuloma… basically, scar tissue formed over bacterial or fungal infections or actual damage to the lungs. Given the number of times I’ve had bronchitis and just how bad some of those have been, and how violent the wracking cough sometimes was… I’m honestly surprised that half my lungs aren’t leather by this point. Still, “hey, spot on your lung, CAT scan needed is a less than thrilling way to start the conversation.

 Posted by at 6:52 pm