Aug 112014


So, CNN teleprompter-reader Don Lemon goes on another CNN talking heads program to talk about the riots in Ferguson, Missouri (short form: cop shoots black guy [details as yet unclear], so local community decides to burn the place to the ground), where he says this:

“This is about the treatment of men of color in our society… They are treated differently whether it be law enforcement, whether it be at work, whether it be at a grocery store, whether it be on the street”

This is true. But you know what doesn’t help that situation? Rioting and looting.

Similarly: if you are in a non-state region that has repeatedly fought its more organized neighbor, and lost badly every time, and as a result has been surrounded and put under careful watch… you know what doesn’t help? Shooting thousands of crappy rockets at your neighbor.

“I demand you treat me with respect, and to prove my seriousness, here’s a self-destructive temper tantrum.”

And you know what’s not going to help even more? Publicly suggesting that you rob and murder a whole lot of folks who were in no way involved:

‘Loot … and rob them, not your own’; Twitter users advise black people to loot white neighborhoods

One wonders if it would be considered a hate crime for a white guy to suggest going into black neighborhoods and causing death and destruction. I would think that it would be.

And if the rioters, who look like absolute *morons* when they tear up their own neighborhoods, were to decide to head into the neighborhoods of “others?” What, exactly, do these geniuses think would be the great benefit here? At best, those cities would experience the economic “benefits” of white flight. People who come into your neighborhood to cause a ruckus do *not* earn your respect or sympathy, only your contempt… and quite often a bullet. If you knew that hundreds of people from a few blocks over might very well just decide to come and burn your home or business down, would you stick around? Would it inspire most anybody to treat those people better?

And you know… sometimes when you decide to go tear up someone elses stuff, that someone else might have something to say about it.

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 Posted by at 11:20 pm