Aug 022014

Here’s a remarkably pointless “article:”

How Can You Possibly Love an Adult Who Eats Like a Toddler?

In order to save you the bother of reading a Jezebel piece, the upshot is this: some people have different interests in food… some are carnivores, some are vegans. How can such massively different people possibly work, romantically?

At that point, it’s probably a fair question. Meat and taters vs. vegan is probably much like Far Right Republican and Far Left Democrat, or atheist & evangelical. There’s a big philosophical gap there that can be hard (but clearly not impossible) to bridge. But what got me about the article is the clear and unapologetic – but very likely unperceived – bias. The author writes about yet *another* blog post where a vegan woman describes her annoyance with her meat-and-junk-food eating boyfriend. The Jezebel author expresses confusion over how this woman could love this man.

One one hand, that might be fair, asking how A could love B when they are so different. But… isn’t it equally fair to ask how can b love A? How can a man who prefers to eat real food love a woman who wants to consume “experimental” rabbit chow?


 Posted by at 4:25 pm