Jul 082014

Since the US team finally lost and left the World Cup Of Kickball  Boredom a while ago, the news – at least from what I’ve seen – has been blissfully free of socceryammerings. This indicates that Americas interest in the World Cup was solely driven by the fact that some Americans were in it. Woo! There’s hope for us yet; remove the nationalism, and people realize just what a snore that game is to watch.

Still, apparently there was a game today that the Brazilian team lost. Who cares? Well… apparently a whole lot of Brazilians. It’s good to see this game bring so much joy to these people:

All Of Brazil Is Crying Right Now


The link is just *filled* with people with a really screwed up sense of priorities. Is Brazil such a utopia that things are so awesome that a loss in a *game* is the emotional equivalent of watching your baby getting torn apart by rabid hamsters?



 Posted by at 4:39 pm