Jun 142014

So a few weeks ago everyone went bugnuts about Elliot Rodger’s clearly insane ramblings about how awful women were, how he wanted to wipe them out, etc. There was, as has come to be expected, much chattering about other men who might think like him, a part of the anti-woman “Patriarchy.” But lest you think that this sort of whackjobbery is limited to misogynist men, I’d like to present to you:

Radical Feminism Enters the 21st Century

Most of the piece is the usual boring, unreadable dreck one expects from blogs that are self-described “radical feminism.” But it ends with this:

Some say an earth with only 10% men will be a safe earth free of oppression. We need more of these visions.

My own personal vision is that women will cure the sickness that ails men and that men will stay around, hunkered in their man-caves playing the ukelele, leaving us in peace at last. As to what that cure may be, my best bet is that what’s wrong with men is that their androgens need genetic modification.

I’m serious about this. If we can do it with corn, men ought to be easy.

Oooooookaaaaayyyy, But that’s just the ravings of one nutter, right? Well, go right on ahead and read the comments. Unless that place has been successfully overrun with people either joking or actually *trying* to make radical feminists look like genocidal freaks… then a lot of radical feminists at least have dreams of becoming genocidal freaks.

could it be that all this denial and willful ignorance about biological femaleness (and maleness) is precisely because the only solution to womens suffering under patriarchy *is* a biological one? that men are biologically, genetically mentally ill, and the only solution to this is a biological solution, and the last thing they want is for us to solve this problem? the problem of them?

And look at animals… primates do NOT do pair-bonding. Females live together in groups, they *are* the community, and men hover around the outskirts fighting and killing each other. Let’s go back to the way it’s supposed to be, I say.

Even if we killed off 90% of men, the majority of women left over would do their best to keep the oppressive system. I’d dare say we’d have to kill off all the women too and leave the little girls and radfems to create the utopia.

It’s *men* that are redundant due to their high fertility. They should be fighting each other, fighting for the right to pass on their genes: survival of the fittest *man* is how it really should be.

Women need to stop raising male children. Women who raise male children are digging the graves of other females. Nobody wants to bite that bullet (except lesbian separatists) but it must be done.

i think a biological solution would be a radical solution. such as dispatching male babies at birth. … women would be incarcerated and executed by the legal system for dispatching male babies at birth, if we even tried this as a solution. and its very likely that this is the only solution that would work. this is not a coincidence.

Complete research on endocrinal causes of male aggression; develop a vector to deliver modified genetic material which will reduce pathological male hormones to levels closer to the norm, i.e., female levels. Such treatment can be covert if it cannot be done voluntarily. It will pass to subsequent generations.


It seems what this website caters to not just “radical feminists,” but “lesbian separatists” who dream of a world free of men where women reproduce through parthenogenesis. While physically possible – especially with a whole lot of technological intervention – it seems like it would be of dubious long-term viability. One good solar flare, and not only would advanced technology crap out, but the ability of an entire species to reproduce would be wiped out at a stroke. And there is the small issue that not all women are man-hating lesbians. A world full of women with no men seems like there might just be some measure of discontent.

There is a long sad history of people who want to build their utopia on the corpses of their enemies. Somehow it never really seems to work out. Fortunately, even though these people dream of developing a retrovirus which will emasculate and (effectively) exterminate males, note that there is a whole lot of newage fru-fru about spellcasting and whatnot. Such nonsense is typically incompatible with a truly scientific worldview, which would be needed to develop such an advanced retrovirus. On the other hand, if the technology did come along that would allow unscientific goofs like this to whip up a batch of their male-quashing disease, it’s a safe bet that there would be some pretty extensive unintended consequences. One obvious one: it’ll jump species. Every male mammal on the planet turns into the sort of male these “radical feminists” want: lethargic, stupid and impotent. Every mammalian species is extinct within a generation. Or… zombie apocalypse. Who knows.

Something else of note here: while most of the commenters at that radical feminist site are most likely just flailing online, with little to no likelihood to carry out their hate into actions in the “real world,” much could have probably been said for Elliot Rodger a few days before he slit his roomates throats.

And a further note: this hatred of The Other Gender seems to come from lesbians rather than heterosexual women (I could of course be wrong here). Might that have an implication for Elliot Rodger? Perhaps his problem wasn’t his inability to score with women… but an inability to score with men.

 Posted by at 4:54 pm