Apr 162009

As sort of a followup to this, this here’s a post for vegetarian LOLcats. If I miss one, post a link in the comments section, and I’ll post it here.

dogfood.jpg yayfishstickspm3.jpg ihasakarut.jpg 1cat-part-of-carnivore-confuses.jpg cat-does-not-like-vegetarian-food.jpg vegetarian-cat-will-eat-meat-soon.jpg rupert.jpg wannabevegancat.jpg 12pack.jpg potluck.jpg thanksgiving.jpg ham-heaven.jpg ham.jpg  cheezburgergoeshere-tristynunbrand2.jpg

 Posted by at 11:03 pm

  5 Responses to “Vegetarian cats pics”

  1. xlnt!! LOL!

  2. Big LOLz! =^.^=

  3. Too funny!!!!

  4. We had a cat that loved Horseradish sauce… so much she climbed in the sink before I could rinse out the jar and got most of her upper body stuck inside before we caught her. (The strange “clank–bump–errr–scratchy” sounds coming from the kitchen gave her away)

    She may have been slightly disappointed that there were no actual “horses” in the sauce but you dared not leave anything with sauce on in un-guarded when she was around!


  5. […] a followup to this oldie, here are a bunch of LOLcats on the theme of just how “vegan” cats really are by […]

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