Mar 092014

As I mentioned just a little while ago, the Fusion Energy Foundation publications have been posted online. I’ve been looking through the issues of their magazine at random, and stumbled across a review of the book version of Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos.” It was of particular interest since the new version of Cosmos premieres tonight. The review is… err, interesting. It seems not entirely accurate in its description of Cosmos as I remember it, and seems to rely a lot on the conspiracy theories that appear to have been pretty common at the FEF. Some kinda indecipherable issue dealing with Kepler, an issue I’ve seen raised numerous times in the pages of “Fusion” (I haven’t read the pages of Fusion in any depth as yet, but from what I gather they seemed to have some sort of problem with Newton, while they thought that Kepler and and the nested solids or some such were the bees knees). It is, in short, quite negative in its view of Cosmos, and declares it “anti-science.”

So, anyway, I skimmed through the review sorta half-heartedly, interested solely due to the coincidence of tonights premiere. And then I saw a name that, were I the kind of person who did such a thing, would have caused me to do a spit-take all over my keyboard.

I’ve posted it below in both JPG and PDF format.

Pages from 19810505-fusion – cosmos review

Pages from 19810505-fusion  - cosmos review_Page_1

Pages from 19810505-fusion  - cosmos review_Page_2

Pages from 19810505-fusion  - cosmos review_Page_3

 Posted by at 3:33 pm