Feb 202014

Just back from the grocery store. The mission: procure a can of chicken broth. This idea was to add chicken broth to water, cats will like it and drink more, and it’ll help flush ’em out. End result: cats apparently don’t like chicken broth. Who knew.

While there I wandered the frozen pizza aisle and suddenly noticed this:

OK, frozen pizza. Big deal. But two aspects of it grabbed me:
1) “Feast For One.”

2) Photo of *three* friends goofing off.

On the basic level, this is a simple mismatch, like the art department got conflicting instructions. But on a deeper level… this seems to be wholly depressing marketing. What must the Honest Ad for this say?

“You’re all alone. That’s why you only need enough pizza for one person. But here is a photo of you with two friends you *used* to hang around with. And they’re not here anymore. Dwell on happier times and enjoy the pizza!”


 Posted by at 5:48 pm