Feb 152014

Being gay IS in your genes, say scientists in controversial new DNA study

Let’s say it’s true, and that there is a specific and identifiable genetic marker for homosexuality (obviously it probably won’t be responsible for *all* homosexuality, but let’s say it’s an important factor). And let’s say that a test for those genetic markers is available… for in-utero fetuses (“fetii?” Not sure of the plural on that one). So… ten minutes after you find out you’re pregnant, you find out that Junior is likely to be gay. And since abortions are supposed to be easily accessed, convenient and, if at all possible, government funded and free…

The resulting storm of convoluted arguments, from leftie pro-abortion types who are suddenly opposed to abortions, to rightie anti-abortion types who suddenly think that some abortions are just neato, would be entertaining to watch. I think much good could come from the “debate:” simply duct tape a bunch of powerful rare earth magnets to the pundits and install them within copper coils. The electricity generated by all the spin would power several large cities.

 Posted by at 10:18 am