Apr 062009

Anyone who has worked with classified information has seen special cover sheets for them. They vary from company to company; each company has their own standards. The one reproduced below comes from a Bell document from the mid 1950’s (declassified via FOIA, and scanned as you see it here… meh). The original document was probably very colorful… the ones I’ve seen usually have white backgrounds with bright red lettering, or red backgrounds with black lettering. These days, perhaps not terribly eye-catching, but in the days when all a document was likely to have was typed pages, a bright red cover would be noticable. Which was the point: some dumbass leaves it just sitting on his desk, someone else would leap on it and run to management/security and get said dumbasses ass in serious trouble.

In a better world with better people, the person who finds it might actually tell the dumbass who left it out, and perhaps give him a good talking to, thus perhaps saving the dumbasses job.  But let’s face it… we’re in a back-stabby world.


 Posted by at 6:50 pm

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