Dec 192013

I’ve recently brought up a few movies that I think touch on the popularity and/or importance of space exploration (the trailer for “Interstellar” for importance, the film “Gravity” for popularity). I was reminded of a 2001 TV commercial for the financial company AIG that impressed the hell out of me back in the day, though it didn’t seem to have *squat* to do with… errrr… whatever it was AIG did. But by combining the whiny cowardice described in TS Eliot’s poem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” with the boldness and daring of the early space program, I thought it produced a powerful pro-space-exploration message.

(Yes, I know I’ve posted a YouTube link to this before. Bite me. I like it.)

[youtube At6F0M4bSP8]


 Posted by at 11:42 pm