Mar 192009

So I turn on CNN to see what major news story is breaking world-wide, and what do I see but Anderson Cooper or somebody blathering on about Obama having made some dumb joke about his bowling game being “like Special Olympics, or something.” Now, I didn’t actually see the joke, just read about it and heard the CNN talking heads yammering about it (for about twenty seconds before I decided to see what was on the documentary channels… yay! The Aztecs died not because of smallpox, but because of Four Corners Disease!). From what I’ve read on sites like the Washington Post, I didn’t really get the joke. Common enough… a lot of jokes only work when told, not when read.

However, it’s clear that it has offended some people. Probably the same ones who were offended by this. And you know what? That makes it funny as hell, right there.

As may be obvious, jokes such as this don’t offend me much. Or at all.  In this case, it doesn’t seem to provide much entertainment, either… on it’s own. Where it gets entertaining is that 0bama would have tossed this logic bomb out there in the first place.

It does go some distance to showing why 0bama is such a teleprompter President (“Teleprompter In Chief?” “TelePresiprompter?”). Once he gets away from some machine telling him what to say, he turns into a gibbering idjit. Had President Bush said this, the legions of the Professionally Offended would be all over him like ugly on Andrea Dworkin. But Bush’s problem seemed to be more a matter of mispronuncification of words. But for the 0bamessiah to intentionally make fun of people on a national forum… well, that’s just special. Jokes like this could easily get some low-paid slob at Wal-Mart in a heap of trouble with HR.

 What someone who might be offended by this joke may look like:

More and more it’s becoming apparent that Obama doesn’t engage his damned brain before he opens his mouth, orders a gift bought, or formulates national policy and rams it through Congress. Couple this with his utter lack of relevant experience and long history of wrong-headed ideologies, that’s just a little spooky.

 Posted by at 11:12 pm

  One Response to “Get the popcorn”

  1. If Bush had done that it’d have made the headlines worldwide for a week.

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