Sep 292013

Prior to 9/11/2001, the accepted wisdom was that if you were on a plane being hijacked, you just sat there and waited for it to be over. If you tried to do something, you’d only make it worse. But on 9/11, people began to realize that not fighting back *was* the worst thing they could do. Kenya, it seems, has reinforced the importance of this lesson:

Terrorists ripped off noses, gouged out eyes of hostages in horrifying Kenya mall attack

Hostages were mutilated, castrated, beheaded. Infants were stabbed to death, eyes were gouged out, noses ripped off with pliars.

The lesson: when faced with jihadis… surrender is not an option. Fight to the death. Preferably theirs, but better to die fighting and earn a spot in Valhalla than to end up as a jihadis plaything. Given how the media in the US has been going bonkers in the last few days talking up how  vulnerable US shopping malls are, it’s not unreasonable to expect that home-grown jihadis might try the same thing here.

 Posted by at 2:36 am