Sep 242013

Scientists Find Gene to Wipe Memories

Short form: Scientists tinker with the Tet1 gene in mice. A group of tinkered mice, and a group of untinkered mice, are introduced to the Mouse Cage Of Terror and all come to learn its horrors (electroenzapulation). When, after they’re all good and skeered of it, the scientists turn off the electricity, the un-tinkered mice eventually come to learn to not be afraid of the Cage Of Horrors. But the tinkered mice remain afraid. Tet1 has something to do with learning new things…s crew with it, and apparently mice have trouble learning. Reportedly this might have value in nuking specific memories, which would be handy for reducing PTSD in veterans and the like. Also handy for removing – or messing with – pesky memories of criminal enterprises.

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