Jul 242013

I do my Web surfing via a dinky little netbook (all my *real* work is done on computers that *never* touch the internet). Generally adequate, but sometimes something a little more is needed. I downloaded the Cosmos trailer I linked to yesterday, and played it on my much bigger laptop.

Holy crap!



The original Cosmos had some fairly decent special effect for a TV show of its day. But it is clear that Fox/National Geographic have *lavished* the new Cosmos with not only the budget for good modern effects, but also the talent to do it right, and the art to do it spectacularly. I really hope that the show lives up to this. Giggity!

cosmos11 cosmos10  cosmos8 cosmos7 cosmos6 cosmos5 cosmos4 cosmos3 cosmos2 cosmos1

I’ve had this dream…


 Posted by at 10:56 pm