May 252013

Do You Believe? Holy image appears behind child battling leukemia

In short: a photo of a kid with cancer appears to show an apparition behind said child. People flacking the story assume that the apparition is Mary, of tortilla and burnt toast fame.


Now, the skeptical among you might be tempted to think that this is simply the result of a double exposure, either accidentally or via chicanery, such as has been done many, many times in the long sad history of spirit photography. However, any of you with an ounce of faith will recognize that this is in fact an fylgja, thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Odin is  Allfather.

Seems to me it’s a message to the Norse world to pick up a hammer, a sword, a spear and go lay a beatdown on the stupid, strong unteachable monsters.

 Posted by at 6:07 pm