Mar 082013

Image of the Day: 18-ft U.S. Predator drone covered in rhinestones

An 18-foot-long rhinestone-covered replica of a U.S. Predator drone was set up for display at a multimedia art exhibit on March 1 at the Hampden Gallery at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The goal of the exhibit, titled “Home Drone,” is to expand viewers’ minds to imagine their reaction if thousands of deadly drones had struck in Massachusetts, rather than in Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

Oy. Go take a look. The artists (one of whom is a “a social intervention artist,” whatever the hell nonsense that is) went to all this bother, but couldn’t be bothered to even *try* to accurately replicate a Predator drone. LAAAAAAME. Who pays for this sort of dreck?

As far as the goal: I’d think it’d be equally valid to set up a display to expand viewer’s minds by getting them to imagine their reaction if the Taliban was setting off thousands of explosions in Massachusetts instead of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

 Posted by at 11:24 am