Feb 222013

FIP cannot be ruled out, but the vet *tentatively* doesn’t think that’s the issue. What *is* this issue is that Marvin, pretty much like any politician ever, is entirely full of crap:

Img_5577 Img_5576

This would be that “Megacolon” thing, a likely response to malnutrition. Even though she now has regular access to food, her body doesn’t know that, and is holding on to every last calorie for as long as possible.

The wobbliness is unexplained by that, however, so she *may* still have FIP. So for the time being she is to be quarantined from the other cats (who are all about due for their annual shots, so they get to get the FIP vaccination).

Note that her right ear is now a little stubbier than in prior photos.

Img_5578 Img_5589

 Posted by at 6:08 pm