Jan 112013

Those of you who read this blog regularly enough for long enough probably notice that there are some topics I visit regularly, other I visit rarely or perhaps never. “Fashion” is, I should think, in the “rare” category. Because fashion *bores* me. Let’s face it: socks, undies, pants, t-shirt, shoes, cel phone, wallet, keys, knife, firearm. Apart from whatever you might need to deal with whatever weather/environmental factors you might plan on running into… that’s it. If you’re a guy and you go in for “fancy,” from my perspective you probably have screwed-up priorities.

And to help make my point for me:

I’ve Seen the Future of Men’s Fashion and I’m Afraid

Go ahead and take a look at what is being touted as “men’s fashion.” Go on, I dare you.

I have difficulty seeing more than three real possibilities here:

1) The “fashion designers” are trolling the “fashion press.” They crank this… stuff out, watch the press fall all over itself, and stand in the shadows and have a good laugh.

2) Fashion designers are insane.

3) Western civilization is going straight to Niflhel. We’ve peaked, and we are now deep into decline, and long-accepted norms of what it is to Be A Man have been turned on their heads in favor of…who knows what.

Seeing stuff like this makes me want to slaughter a bear with an axe and wear its still steaming skin to a PETA meeting… kick in the front door with the axe over my shoulder and yell out a challenge: “What is best in life?

I probably won’t do that, though. Sadly not that much of an extrovert.

 Posted by at 11:17 pm