Jan 032013

I’ve opened a store on zazzle.com to sell posters of my photos. A good thing about zazzle is that they allow customers to select the size of the poster they want. So while the images I’ve uploaded so far (my creakingly slow rural internet connection makes this a long process, given that the images are up to 50 megabytes) are all baselined for 36X12 panoramas, you can select… pretty much whatever size you want.  When I upload the photos, the system generally assumes, based on the size of the images, that I want ’em to be 60X20 inches, so you can go at least that big.

I’m starting off with the 36X12 panoramas. If there are any photos I’ve posted over at the photo blog or elsewhere that you’d really like to have, let me know.


More have been added (it takes a while for the store to update) and more will be added.

In addition to being able to select the size of the print, you can also select the quality of the paper. So, you get a range of options from this:





Me, I’d recommend the larger sizes with the better paper. Because, you know, I’d make more off of those than the smaller versions. But whatever seems best to y’all…

Remember, it’s never too early to start shopping for Christmas! Only 2,182 shopping days until Christmas, 2018!

 Posted by at 11:45 am