Jul 232012


Nearly two decades after gunman’s SF massacre, Dianne Feinstein’s renewed outrage over assault “weapons of war”

Feinstein is speaking out on assault weapons, calling for a national “conversation” about their dangers — though she admits that politically, any reforms are unlikely to happen.

“Weapons of war don’t belong on the streets,” she said Sunday.

OK. Well, then clearly she’s *not* talking about the sort of weapons used in the Batman Massacre, since none of them were assault weapons. For those who do not know, and do not wish to venture forth in continued ignorance, an “assault weapon” is required to have several features, one of which is a full-automatic mode. The AR-15 used in the massacre was semi-auto only, which means it is *NOT* an assault weapon. Actual assault weapons have been effectively banned for civilian ownership since the unConstitutional “National Firearms Act” of the 1930s. Since then, to own an actual assault weapon, a civilian must procure a Class 3 Federal Firearms License, with is expensive, a pain in the rear to get, and a pain in the rear to maintain (you give up your 4th Amendment rights when you get a Class 3 FFL). Nobody in their right mind would go to war with a semi-only version of a weapon that had a select fire model.

But you know what class of person *does* have actual weapons of war on the streets of America? The police. Many of whom have actual assault weapons in the trunks of their cruisers, in the form of an M-4 carbine or similar.

So, Ms. Feinstein must therefore be arguing that the solution to the problem of lone nutjobs is to take the cops guns away.There’s really no other *honest* way to interpret what she’s saying.

 Posted by at 12:23 am