Jun 292012

An analysis is HERE, but what it boils down to is this:

2014: Families––$285 or 1 percent of total household income, whichever is greater. Individual adults––$95.
2015: Families––$975 or 2 percent of income, whichever is greater. Individual adults––$325.
2016: Families––$2,085 or 2.5 percent of income, whichever is greater. Individual adults––$695.

Note that the poll tax does not kick in until 2014… well after the 2012 election. Thus come November, many people will still probably think it’s “free.” But by 2016, the tax will be $695 per person.

Granted, that’s not much compared to the price of private health insurance… it’s one month’s worth or so, or potentially much less. But it’s still a poll tax, something rather new in America.

Now that it has passed Constitutional muster, other poll taxes would seem obvious. The idea behind the Obamacare poll tax is that everyone needs healthcare insurance,” and thus it’s appropriate for there to be a single tax-price for every individual. Well, national defense is something that covers each American equally. That SM-3 ballistic missile interceptor that stops the nuclear missile from vaporizing Seattle protects  the homeless bum no more or less than the billionaire, the baby no less than the octogenarian. Thus, a National Defense Poll Tax would be appropriate. Since 2012 defense spending is about $1.4 trillion, and the US population is about 313 million, that means that a national defense poll tax of about $4473 per individual would be appropriate. For a family of 4, that means $17,891 per year.

Now, you can bribe your way out of the Obamacare Poll Tax by sending large sums of money to government approved corporate entities. What would be an appropriate way out of the National Defense Poll Tax? I come back to buying guns and ammo, but perhaps also crew served weapons, anti-tank ordnance, jet fighters, whatever. The law would have to be changed to allow for the purchase of destructive devices, but I’m sure that could be buried within the  two or three thousand pages of the National Affordable Defense Poll Tax law.

 Posted by at 9:13 pm