Feb 292012

Last year, this video hit the YouTubes:

[youtube vcUDYBIrWio]

Since then, a whole bunch of other “strange sounds” vids have been posted… most, if not all, hoaxes, some of them really lame and obvious hoaxes. I would be entirely unsurprised to find that the original Kiev video is also a hoax. Still, hoax or not it has intensely creepy audio, with shades of the tripods from the 2005 “War of the Worlds.” Evidence of this being a hoax comes in the form of the sounds conveniently dying away during conversations.

The curious thing is, hoax or not, weird-ass sounds coming from everywhere, or the sky, or the ground are not new. For example, the “Lake Music” that haunted Yellowstone National Park from the 1800’s to the 1930’s.

The Kiev sounds *could* be explained by way of some industrial process – factory, train, construction, something – at some considerable distance, but unusual meteorological/wind conditions making a “channel” for the sound to come floating in. Note that the video is being shot from several stories up in an apartment complex… lots of opportunities for echoes  among these dreary-looking concrete boxes.

Living out here in a wide, flat rural valley you can sometimes here things from considerable distance… individual birds in the swamps several miles away, helicopters over the mountains, even conversations a mile away. There is a persistent low-frequency “hum” out here, audible in the warmer parts of the year; it sounds like a pump or some such…. which makes all kinds of sense. But after years of trying, I’ve been unable to locate it, and it’s annoying as hell… and the closer to underground you are, the louder it is. Which indicates that it’s a ground-mounted or sub-surface machine some distance from here, its sound transmitted through the ground rather than the air. Weird and annoying it may be, but it’s explainable (less easily explainable are the “electric arc” flashes I’ve seen twice out here that light up miles of territory – several miles of the Wasatch mountains, for example – for a split second, but that’s another story).

There’s a website devoted to these noises: http://strangesoundsinthesky.com/

And a Wikipedia entry on Unexplained Sounds.

One idea I like is that this is some sort of “Cloverfield” viral marketing campaign for a horror movie. The Kiev audio certainly would fit in with a Cthulhu flick.

However, if the sounds really are real, then I think there’s really only one explanation: Gjallarhorn.  Fenris the wolf will soon run loose. Jörmungandr will cause trouble in the seas, Surt will come forth and set fire to every damn thing. All that’s needed now is for Fimbulwinter to come along… admittedly, not something that seems too likely just now.

 Posted by at 12:59 am