Oct 082011

The American press is running with the meme that the  “Occupy Wall Street” protestors are a grass-roots, spontaneously-formed, heart-felt and honest response to economic woes, that they are just like the Tea Partiers, just less “bought” by billionaires. Yeah, uh-huh.

Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR

Why yes, there is a photo.

I don’t recall too many stories about Tea Partiers taking dumps on cop cars in full daylight. I don’t recall too many stories about Tea Party events leaving behind mountains of filth.

 Posted by at 7:40 am

  6 Responses to “You stay classy, protestors”

  1. Well, nice to see that your rioters are just as yucky as ours here in the Heart of Empire! Anyway, pardon me going OT, but you might like to look at the drawings of rockets and components thereof at this site auction site:


    There’s some Viking stuff, and what seems to be some German’s ideas – it’ll all probably remain a mystery forever!

  2. How do they explain this to their parents? To their children?

  3. Well, to be fair at least, you didn’t hear an old blue-hair get in the face of a Democrat while saying that she “doesn’t want government in her medicare.” while you know the folks who chartered her bus are laughing their butts off, knowing that–were it up to them, she wouldn’t have had medicare or her SSI check to begin with–but that’s another story. The kids really aren’t astroturf, and the fact that some older union types of the Mayor Daly stripe (who beat the tar out of kids like these in ’68) didn’t get in front of this and take those–what are they Scream or Guy Fawkes masks away from them is proof enough of that.

    Then too after seeing the rough bunch in this movie, the NYPD might have been the ones pooping their cars full: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harlan_County,_USA


  4. Take a look at the “equal opportunity looter” here:


    I tell you, it makes me proud to be British!

  5. Greed is good and will never die!!!!

    • I fail to see why greed for power is any better than greed for money. In fact, I much prefer greed for money (free market enterprise) to greed for power (liberal big government). All the money in the world cannot force a man to do something against his will; only the long arm of government can.

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