"Aerospace Projects Review, back issues, Volume 2"
Issue V2N1, Jan. - Feb. 2000

Project Pluto
Pluto was a late 1950's - early 1960's concept for a low altitude, high speed cruise missile powered by a nuclear ramjet. Several test reactors were built, but the airframe was not. This article includes photos, artwork, sketches and a large inboard profile covering the center two pages of the magazine.
Lockheed's L-167 and L-169 by Bill Slayton
This article describes a series of Lockheed concepts that led to the XF-90. These aircraft were swept and delta winged in design. This article has four 3-views.
XB-70 Derived SST by Dennis R. Jenkins
This article describes a North American Aviation study into using the XB-70 as a prototype SST. This article describes and shows different passenger compartments (from 36 to 76 passengers), cargo variants, engine test beds and the general configuration of a derived operational SST.
Boeing 747 "Guppy"
This describes a 1995 Boeing concept for a 747 modified to carry outsized cargoes. Five-view drawings.
Rockwell Boost-Glide Transport
In the early 1970's Rockwell produced a design for a boost-glide hypersonic passenger transport. This article presents a detailed drawing and technical data.
Tupolev TU-2000
A brief article describes the Soviet answer to the X-30 NASP. Data and a two-view drawing.
Issue V2N2, Mar. - Apr. 2000

Convair AAFSS by Dennis R. Jenkins
Convair proposed this rather unusual configuration for the US Army's Advanced Aerial Fire Support System (AAFSS) RFP in 1964. This VTOL aircraft went up against helicopters in the contest, and was theoretically capable of outperforming the attack helicopters of the day while carrying a considerable weapons load. This article has clear artwork and a detailed three-view.
Republic TFX and Republic-Fokker D-24 Alliance
This article describes two separate aircraft designed by Republic Aviation in the early 1960's. While designed for very different mission and organizations, the two aircraft shared several important configuration similarities, specifically a highly swept delta wing with VG auxiliary wings for low speed flight. Article includes art, wind tunnel model photos and 3 three-views.
The Large Orions
This article concludes the current series on the nuclear pulse propelled vehicles designed in the early 1960's. Covered are the early large USAF and NASA designs, as well as the later 20-meter diameter Jovian mission Orion. Included are tables and numerous drawings.
Bell BoMi: Part One
This is the first of two parts describing the Bell Bomber Missile of the early 1950's, which led to the X-20 Dyna-Soar. Part One describes the path that led from wartime German manned spacecraft concepts to the beginnings of the BoMi program, as well as introducing some of the major characters responsible for the concept. Information and drawings on the manned A-9, the manned A-9/A-10, the Sanger "Silverbird", the earliest known BoMi and the contemporary MX-1593 Atlas.
Martin Model 247
A short article presenting this 1949 long-range turboprop bomber concept.
Issue V2N3, May - June 2000

Convair B-36 Flying Wing by Dennis R. Jenkins
Convair studied this flying wing as an alternative to the conventionally designed B-36. This article has several good paintings.
A Three-Engine 747 by Dennis R. Jenkins
In response to a question in V2N2, Dennis has provided an article on a 3-engined 747 "Airbus" complete with engine details and a three-view.
Bell D-188 Part One
This article gives the back story for the Bell Mach 2 VTOL jet fighter, presenting the D-109 and D-139 as well as a WWII era tailsitter. Numerous drawings and artwork detail these designs.
Bell BoMi: Part Two
This is the second of three parts describing the Bell Bomber Missile of the early 1950's, which led to the X-20 Dyna-Soar. Part two gives the program history of the concept, as well as presenting several Bell designs for long range and orbital rocket planes.
Martin Model 262 contributed by Stan Piet
A short article presenting two designs for a 1949-1950 turboprop-powered VTOL fighter..
Convair's "Big Stick" contributed by Robert Bradley
A collection of drawings and data on Convair's 1959 design for a supersonic, nuclear ramjet powered long range cruise missile.
Tandem Wing "Princess"
Patented design for an unusual configuration modification to a large flying boat.
Issue V2N4, July - Aug. 2000

Ames Mach 10 Demonstrator by Dennis R. Jenkins
A 1950's study for a research aircraft faster than the X-15 and leading nearly to orbital flight. Good drawings.
Bell D-188 Part Two
This article presents the design of the Bell D-188 VTOL fighter in both the Navy and USAF versions. Good, detailed three views as well as other drawings and artwork detail these designs.
Bell BoMi: Part Three
This is the final article describing the Bell Bomber Missile of the late 1950's, which led to the X-20 Dyna-Soar. Part Three presents the final designs of the concept, with numerous previously unpublished illustrations, including several quite good three-views, an exploded view and inboard profile.
Convair's Postwar Seaplane Jet-powered Bombers by Robert Bradley
Part One of two on a series of designs for seaplane bombers. This article describes early designs such as the GEBO and Cudda series.
MiG 2000
A brief article showing a two-view of a Soviet competitor to NASP.
Issue V2N5, September - October 2000

Convair "Spaceplane" by Dennis R. Jenkins
An early advanced concept for an operational SSTO inflight-LOX-collection aerospaceplane.
Messerschmitt Me 328 Variations
Many drawings of wind-tunnel tested configurations for the pulsejet powered Me-328, as well as a few other unusual variants.
Ryan/Girard Heliplane by Joel Carpenter
An ahead-of-its-time concept for VTOL aircraft.
Convair's Postwar Seaplane Jet-powered Bombers by Robert Bradley
Part Two of two on a series of designs for seaplane bombers. This article describes supersonic designs as well as a high-speed minelayer.
Issue V2N6, November - December 2000

Convair's Submerging Seaplane
A first look at an unusual concept from the early 1960's. Conceptual art is provided.
Messerschmitt Me 328 Variations
Part 2: Several unusual smaller and larger Me 328 variants, some with ramjets, many with swept wings. Six 2- and 3-views.
Douglas' "Ithacus"
A rocket capable of transporting 1200 fully armed Marines. 27 figures.
Convair's Mach 4 Seaplane Bombers by William Cully
The B-70 goes to sea! Three 3-views.
Saab 1073
An unusual Swedish short haul passenger transport.
Ordering Back Issues: Price is $6.50 per issue for non-subscribers, $5.50 for current subscribers, US, Canada, Mexico. As there is additional postage for overseas orders, use the following website to calculate international postage: US Postal Service International Calculator. Each issue weighs 3 ounces; add an extra 1 ounce for packaging for ten or fewer issues; add 6 ounces for packaging for 11 or more back issues. All overseas orders are shipped airmail.
Aerospace Projects Review
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