I have far more stuff than I'd ever be able to pack into APR. Much of this is too lean to warrant a full article anyway; so, rather than letting the information sit and molder, I've decided to put together short articles for this website. As with the rest of this website, it is a project under construction... and will be for the foreseeable future.
Links from this page will include all manner of spacecraft, manned and unmanned, from launch vehicles to starships.

Little Joe II LEMlauncher


Space Cruiser, Part 1


Martin Nova designs

Aerojet Sea Dragon

Issues of Aerospace projects Review can be purchased individually, or in any number. More on that HERE.

Back to APR Extras main page.

Contact me by e-mail

scottlowther AT ix DOT netcom DOT com.

You will need to delete the spam-blocking capitalized bits in the e-mail address. It's clumsy, annoying and definitely non-professional looking... but unfortunately, spammers read email addresses and target you for massive amounts of junk mail if you don't play little tricks.