Feb 122021

Disney fired her; a new opportunity came along.

Obviously a movie for the Daily Wire is almost certainly not as big a payday as a movie for Mickey Mao, but it’s a start. It’s a start of an alternate, separate entertainment system, as Gab is a start for an alternate social media. It’s sad that society will likely split in two, with two separate cultures and two separate economies… but that’s better than the alternative of fully half of society simply being shut out of *everything,* a clearly unsustainable proposition in any event.

The trick that the Daily Wire and similar non-leftwoke moviemakers will have to make sure they learn and live is to make *quality* products. They will fail spectacularly if they simply try to ride on The Message. As an example, pretty much *any* of the “Christian movies” that plague the world with the lamest stories, worst acting, dumbest dialog and just laughable Messages.

 Posted by at 4:10 pm