Apr 192018

He’s a screaming leftist harpie, but every now and then he makes a valid point, such as here: stop trying to litigate things that happened in the past that broke rules that did not yet exist.


His timeframe seems to stretch back only to the 1980’s, but the principle applies no matter how far back you go. And thus a whole lot of the effort to tear down all memory, certainly all celebration, of the Dead White Males who created the civilization we currently live and prosper in is based on them violating social norms that only came about later.

He makes the point that everyone today tolerates things that in a quarter century society will have decided are intolerable This is undoubtedly true. But I wonder just how many of the future intolerables would be things that we used to not tolerate, now tolerate, and in the future will not tolerate again. Or the other way around. Consider: back in the day, people tolerated (heck, knew nothing else) “free range parenting.” Kid comes home from school, you give ’em supper them kick them out to go raise hell with the other brats until sundown. Starting in the 80’s, Stranger Danger made that sort of thing damn near extinct. But perhaps it will come back n the future. Future kids may someday see the current trend of kids being glued to screens as a weird blip in history. Kids may have *jobs* again. Schools will have shooting clubs. Eugenics (a popular thing in the US until the National Socialists crapped all over the concept) may become quite the trend, doubtless aided by genetic engineering. “Progress” isn’t always a line; sometimes it’s a circle.

Heck, maybe big hair, shoulder pads and leg warmers will make a comeback.


 Posted by at 11:51 pm