Sep 222014

In science fiction, things are almost never made of what *we* would make things out of.  Titanium or steel? Nah, Duranium Hull Alloy. Adamantium. Unobtanium. In reality, most of the future will most likely be made out of steel, aluminum and concrete. Sure, better stuff is available, but it’s hard to beat the classics for sheer availability.

On the other hand, some applications really need materials a lot stronger and lighter, or just plain weirder, than what we have today. Huzzah!

Scientists create a ‘Star of David’ molecule — a step towards molecular chainmail

The article is kinda lean on details, but the upshot seems to be that a form of “chainmail” can be built at the molecular level. If true, this *might*lead to molecule-thick sheets that resist tearing and can form really light weight bulletproof armor, maybe parachutes that weight grams, perhaps solar sails.

Benzene-derived ​carbon nanothreads

Basically molecule-width diamond fibers. Just the thing to replace carbon fiber… and perhaps strong enough to begin to think that maybe space elevators might be made to work.

 Posted by at 8:21 pm