The SERJ engine would burn JP fuel and hydrogen peroxide oxidizer, eliminating the need for cryogenic equipment. The modified X-15 would be carried to altitude beneath the wing of the existing B-52 carrier plane. No in-flight oxidizer topping would be needed. Due to the deep throttling capability of the SERJ engine, it could be started while still attached to the carrier aircraft pylon.
Figure 1: inboard views of the SERJ-equipped X-15
Marquardt via W. Escher
Figure 2: Artists impression of the SERJ equipped X-15 (Leo Skubic, Marquardt)
Marquardt via W. Escher
Figure 3:North American had produced designs of a stretched and delta winged X-15 (the middle design). Marquardt expected that this aircraft could also be equipped with a SERJ engine, producing greater performance. Further improvements still could be had by stretching the delta X-15, and adding a second crewman. Performance enhancement was not in speed or altitude, but in duration. An aircraft beyond this would be a truly operational military vehicle.
Marquardt via W. Escher
Figure 4: SERJ-equipped X-15 display model
Marquardt via W. Escher
Figure 5: Top: The SERJ-176-E-1A engine was remarkably compact.
Bottom: Marquardt and Aerojet built and successfully static tested subscale SERJ engines.
Marquardt via W. Escher
Figure 6: SERJ-equipped X-15 display model
From Boeing Historical Archives
Figure 7: SERJ-equipped X-15 display model
From Boeing Historical Archives
Reference: " X-15 SERJ Precursor to Mach 4-plus," unpublished prelimianry brochure, The Marquardt Company, June 1969
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