The fuselage was very narrow by conventional jetliner standards, and only allowed two-abreast seating, with a narrow aisle between the seats. Four Pratt & Whitney J58 turbojets with 33,000 pounds of non-afterburning thrust each, would power the Model 58-9 to a cruise speed of Mach 2.4, with a range of 2525 nautical miles. Takeoff weight would be 190,000 pounds, requiring 6500 feet of runway and a liftoff airspeed of 199 knots.
The Model 58-9 was acknowledged to not be an optimal SST design, but was considered the most realistic design that could see flight soon. With an expected go-ahead in January, 1961, the first flight test was expected to occur in October, 1963. A total of twelve aircraft would be built, with simulated commercial operations (conducted by MATS) beginning in 1965.
Views of the Convair Model 58-9
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