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Federally Approved Humor

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Critter Humor Page 1
Critter Humor Page 2
Misc. Humor Page 2
Misc. Humor Page 3

This is stuff sent my way via email, downloaded off the net over the years, et.c I have no idea who created them, nor have I higher-rez version. Many would make fine additions to PowerPoint presentations to management and/or customers.
This is NOT the place to be if you like political correctness or are opposed to naughty language.

Layout by Scott Lowther.

Not as funny as it was.

The next Pet Rock!


Perfect for the office.

Bow to your queen!

Hail to the bore

Shut up. Its funny!

Don't I know it

Very handy

That'll shut em up

You know you wanna


Also handy.



Very true...



Sad but true

I want that, and that...

DNC Uber Alles

yes, that's a real bomb

Can't sleep...


Justice comes in many forms.
Sometimes it's a bulldozer.

Now working for the NY Times

Extremely useful

Dodged bullet

No comment

Some don't forget.

There he goes...

Muppet malfunction


Come on, IT'S FUNNY!

Share with friends.

This'll bring in calls...

Not funny, but true

Saddam Clause

A salute to botox

My hero


Seared, seared I tell you


I've co-workers like this

So true...

This'll bring in calls...

Handy for presentations

Portrait of a demogogue

Just a little odd


Very handy data to have

The good old days...


Mmm... malaise...

I think I've met these chicks...


Perfect for neighbors lawns

Nearly in charge of NASA

In a nutshell

Padme for DNC chairperson!

Useful for new-hire briefings

Got boss?

Some days...

Actually... don't.

This'll REALLY bring in the calls

In a nutshell.

Mmmm... advertising...

Our best ever Prez.

Grrrrrrl Power!

Rodent Apocolypse

ASCII porn


I just... I... uhh....

Listen to Ackbar!!

Good advice.

Listen to Ackbar!!!!!

Discovery's dirty secret

Read My Lips:

Oh, yeah. This won't cause problems...

What, me-dia whore?

Rev. Al: the Mark of Quality